Where do I go to report my SLOs?
Faculty should report the results of their SLO assessments and their planned action steps in the Course SLO Assessment Results Collection Form.
Where can I check if an SLO has been reported?
Faculty can check on which SLOs for their departments have been reported, in the Tableau Dashboard.
Where do I go to see data from my Canvas SLO assessment?
Faculty can view the results of their SLO assessments in Canvas at the following Tableau Dashboard.
What is the process for changing a SLO in a course?
Changing a SLO starts in our curriculum system, META. Please complete the “SLO Update'' proposal in Curriqunet META to start the process. For more information on how to change SLOs, please visit our online resources for Faculty Resrouces webpage.
How often should I report SLOs?
The current minimum is to report the results of SLO assessment of at least one SLO at least once a year. However, that minimum may not allow for a comprehensive evaluation of student performance. Local best practices dictate you should report the results of the assessment of two to three SLOs each time the course is offered.
Is there a generally preferred number of SLOs for an 18 week course?
A minimum of 1 SLO needs to be in a course, but there is no maximum. Best practices suggest 3-8 course SLOs should be listed for every course.
Does every teacher in every section have to do the SLO assessment?
The more data the better! In order to increase the sample size, all instructors in a given course should do the same SLO assessment.