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KNEA 1: Adapted Personal Fitness

(offered in Fall, Spring and Summer terms)

Classes are held three days each week under the instruction of Ted Weatherford, 2005 Physical Educator of the Year (SCOPE). Ted has been a fulltime faculty member at IVC for more than two decades and has taught adapted fitness, kinesiology, health, dance and coached the IVC intercollegiate softball team.

Students are instructed in the safe use of all exercise equipment and get assistance in the development of their exercise routine. Many group workouts are offered during class times. Student aides and volunteers are available to assist class participants with their workout regimen.

This course can be taken for either a letter grade or pass/ no pass .

KNES 100: Introduction to Therapy and Rehabilitation

(offered in Fall term only)

This course is designed to provide career information and practical experience for students pursuing careers in Allied Health such as physical therapy, occupation therapy, speech therapy/pathology, recreational therapy, adapted physical education, kinesiology, respiratory therapy, nursing, physiatry and sports medicine. Students complete lab hours by assisting students enrolled in KNEA 1 with their exercise routines utilizing specialized adapted fitness equipment or as an internship in their professional area of interest. Those seeking more information about the course are advised to contact the course instructor.