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Campus Standards of Conduct

Irvine Valley and Saddleback colleges are dedicated to the elimination of the use of illicit drugs and alcohol abuse. The colleges are making significant efforts to create an environment that promotes and reinforces good health. These include responsible living; respect for community and campus standards and regulations; and the intellectual, social, emotional, ethical, and physical well-being of all members of the campus community.

Within this context, the South Orange County Community College District and California State law prohibit the unlawful possession, use, distribution, manufacture or dispensing of illicit drugs and alcohol by students on college property or as part of any college activity. (California Education Code, Section 76033 (a) and South Orange County Community College District Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5401— Code of Conduct.)

Campus Legal Sanctions

Students are reminded that violations of these provisions may lead to the imposition of a disciplinary sanction under South Orange County Community College District Administrative Regulation 5401.

All violations of policy will be handled on an individual basis affording each student the right to due process. Procedures of this process are described in Administrative Regulation 5401. Sanctions which may be imposed include reprimand, probation, suspension, and expulsion.