IMPORTANT: All payments, including those mailed, must reach the Student Payment Services office on or before the payment due date to avoid class drops and/or fiscal holds.
Grades, diplomas, and registration privileges shall be withheld from any student or former student who has been provided with written notice that he or she has failed to pay a proper financial obligation due to the district or a college of the district. Any item or items withheld shall be released when the student satisfactorily meets the financial obligation (Board Policy 5305).
Online Registration
Prior to the beginning of semester, your payment can be made immediately at the end of the successfully completed online registration session through MySite.
Prior to 16 days before the beginning of the semester, you may also choose "Pay Later" to receive an extended due date through the online registration session. You will also receive an email confirmation with the due date.
After the semester has started, the payment deadline is the same day you register.
Note: Each completed online session will have a different due date for fees incurred and will not provide you an extension for any prior due dates.
In-Person Registration
The same day you register.