Use the forms below if you have not been an active student at Irvine Valley College or Saddleback College for one (1) year or more.
The forms on this page will allow students that have not been an active student at IVC or SC to submit a form for action. You will be able to upload attachments directly on the form.
- Use a free app such as Scannable (for iOS) or ClearScanner (for Android) to prepare attachments to any forms.
In order to access the forms you are required to create a forms account.
Step 1: Create a new user account in NextGen
- Click on a form link below and select "Create New Account" on the login page
- Complete the required information including a personal email account and choice of username and password. Then select "Create Account."
- You will receive a confirmation email at the account you provided. Select "Confirm Email."
- You're ready to log into your form using your new username/password.
Information on Completing a Form
- Click on the form link.
- On the Log In screen, enter your created username and password.
- Complete and submit the form.
- Forms time-out after 45 minutes
- If you cannot complete it, and the form has been enabled to save your progress, click the “Save Progress” button at the bottom of the page. You can return to it later.
To review forms you have submitted in the past, click on “Forms History.” Then click on the icon for PDF or for the HTML view.