Student Agreement for a Personal Service Attendant (PSA):
- Submit a request for each class at least 2 business days before a PSA may be allowed to perform their tasks
- The PSA may only assist you with personal care, mobility, guidance and/or communication as stated on your Accommodations Form
- Actively participate in the class, as the PSA will not be a participant
- Limit conversations with the PSA in class to minimize the distractions
- The PSA may not attend class if you are absent
- Any problems or concerns pertaining to your education will be addressed and directed to you, as the PSA will not communicate on your behalf
- The educational requirements, assignments, progress and behavior is your responsibility, not the PSA
- The PSA may not discuss any confidential information about you
- You and the PSA will abide by the instructor’s classroom expectations and the College’s Student Code of Conduct
- Additional accommodations must be requested by the student to DSPS, not the PSA
- Inform DSPS of any changes throughout the semester via email or 949-451-5630