Master Chorale
The Master Chorale was the first music ensemble at IVC, performing for the first time in 1979. Since that time, the Master Chorale has offered performances from the great masterworks of the Western canon to the Great American Songbook, to the vast treasury of choral music from the world's cultures. The choir has traveled to Europe and South America, and choir members have performed on the stage of Carnegie Hall. This auditioned, mixed-voice choir continues to present concerts of masterworks with orchestra and concerts of varied repertoire from chant and motets, to folk songs and commissioned works.
Class Voice Lessons
The Music Department recognizes that, for many students, learning how to play an instrument or sing can be a source of great enrichment in their college education. Class lessons in guitar, piano and voice are offered by expert teachers-performers of the highest caliber who can be seen and heard in professional venues around Southern California. Not only do students learn the rudiments of performance; they are able to proceed from beginning to intermediate and advanced levels of instruction. Class instruction in performance has proven educational benefits, enhancing learning as well as providing peer support and motivation. βAn additional benefit is that class lessons are economical for IVC students.