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Campus Police Officer Responsibilities

All Campus Police or designated persons shall have the Authorization form, the Blue Cross Student/Athlete Accident Claim Verification form, and the Student Accident Insurance Eligibility form in their vehicle to provide to any student reporting an injury resulting in the need to obtain medical care off-campus. The officer or designated person should sign the Blue Cross Student/Athlete Accident Claim Verification form and the Student Accident Insurance Eligibility form where “college official/representative” is indicated.

The officer shall provide the injured student with these forms the student leaves for medical treatment.

The Campus Police officer or designated person should also complete an Incident Report as soon as possible after the initial report of injury. The Authorization form and the Blue Cross Student/Athlete Accident Claim Verification form should be copied and given to the campus HWC and the district Risk Services Office immediately after assisting the student with the reported injury.

Evening Administrator Responsibilities

Each evening administrator’s office should have a supply of the Authorization form, the Blue Cross Student/Athlete Accident Claim Verification form, and the Student Accident Insurance Eligibility form, in the event a student walks into the administration building and reports an injury. Immediately contact Campus Police or the designated person should this occur, so that they can complete the required forms and provide them to the student before they leave for medical treatment.