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In order to you the services or resources in the writing center, you must be enrolled in one of the following Writing Conference Courses.

About the Courses

  • WR 181 Writing Conference an optional, P/NP, 0.25 unit corequisite course for WR 1 or WR 1H.
  • WR 182 Writing Conference is an optional, P/NP, 0.25 unit corequisite course for WR 2 or WR 2H.

Earning Credit in WR 181 & WR 182

  • You must spend a minimum of 12 hours in the Writing Center during the term in which you are enrolled, whether your term is 18 weeks, 10 weeks, or 8 weeks long.
  • Begin spending time in the Center at the start of the semester by meeting frequently with English instructors on duty. You can talk to the instructors about your assignments, your readings, and any aspect of your writing process.
  • Spend time in the Center throughout the semester so that you make use of the resources to study and concentrate on improving your writing skills.
  • It is your responsibility to check up on your record of hours. The Center computers record the hours, and the counter staff at the Center will be happy to show you your records.
  • You must also complete a minimum of 2 formal conferences with an instructor in the Writing Center during the semester you are enrolled. In order to complete a formal conference, bring one of your essay prompts and a full or partial draft to the Center to sign up for a conference.


  • WR 382 Writing Conference is the 0.5 unit corequisite course for WR 302 and WR 1. If you drop WR 302 and WR 1, you will be automatically dropped from WR 382. Likewise, if you drop WR 382, you will be automatically dropped from WR 302 and WR 1.
  • ESL 382 Writing Conference is the 0.5 unit corequisite course for ESL 302 and WR 1. If you drop ESL 302 and WR 1, you will be automatically dropped from ESL 382. Likewise, if you drop ESL 382, you will be automatically dropped from ESL 302 and WR 1.

Earning Credit in WR 382 & ESL 382

  • You must spend a minimum of 24 hours in the Writing Center during the term in which you are enrolled, whether your term is 18 weeks, 10 weeks, or 8 weeks long.
  • Begin spending time in the Center at the start of the semester by meeting frequently with the English instructors on duty. You can talk to the instructors about your assignments, your readings, or any aspect of your writing process.
  • Spend time in the Center throughout the semester so that you can make use of the resources to study and concentrate on improving your writing skills.
  • You may meet with English instructors as often as you want, but in order to earn credit, you must hold a minimum of 4 formal conferences with English instructors in the Center. A formal conference meets these criteria:
    • The conference is held in the Writing Center with an instructor on duty in the Writing Conference.
    • During the conference, the student presents the classroom instructor’s assignment sheet, either as a hard copy or digital copy.
    • The student brings at least one full page of written work in response to the prompt, in the form of a partial or full rough draft, at least one day prior to the assignment’s final due date.
  • WR 375 Writing Conference for Applications Essays and WR 376 Writing Conference for Applications Essays II are P/NP, 0.25 unit, stand-alone course.
  • You may enroll in WR 375 and WR 376 for help with applications for transfer to 4-year universities, scholarships, or employment.

Earning Credit in WR 375

  • You must spend a minimum of 12 hours in the Writing Center during the term in which you are enrolled, whether your term is 18 weeks, 10 weeks, or 8 weeks long.
  • Begin spending time in the Center at the start of the semester by meeting frequently with English instructors on duty. You can talk to the instructors about your questions for applications, your drafts for applications essays, or any part of your writing process for applications.
  • Spend time in the Center throughout the semester so that you make use of the resources to study and concentrate on improving your writing skills.
  • It is your responsibility to check up on your record of hours. The Center computers record the hours, and the counter staff at the Center will be happy to show you your records.
  • You must also complete a minimum of 2 formal conferences with an instructor in the Writing Center during the semester you are enrolled. In order to complete a formal conference, bring your application questions or prompts and full or partial drafts of your answers or cover letter to the Center to sign up for a conference.

WR 385 Writing Conference is a 0 unit, optional corequisite course for any Humanities or Social Sciences course at IVC. You may enroll in WR 385 for help with essay and writing assignments in courses with any of the following designations:

  • AJ - Administration of Justice
  • ANTH - Anthropology
  • ECON - Economics
  • ETHN - Ethnic Studies
  • GEOG - Geography
  • GS - Gender Studies
  • HD - Human Development
  • HIST - History
  • HUM - Humanities
  • JRNL - Journalism
  • LIT - Literature
  • PHIL - Philosophy
  • PS - Political Science
  • PSYC - Psychology
  • SOC - Sociology
  • WR - Creative Writing classes only — students enrolled in WR 1 or WR 2 should enroll in WR 181 or WR 182

Please note that students who are enrolled in WR 1 or WR 2 at the same time as a Humanities or Social Sciences course must enroll in WR 181 or WR 182 instead of WR 385.

Course Progression

Writing Conference courses are credit/no credit courses that allow students enrolled in classes offered by Irvine Valley College to use the services offered by the Writing Center.

Writing Conference for Writing Courses

  • WR 382: required corequisite for College Writing with Support (WR 1 + WR 302 + WR 382)
  • ESL 382: required corequisite for College Writing with Language Support (WR 1 + ESL 302 + ESL 382)
  • WR 181: optional corequisite for College Writing 1 and 1H
  • WR 182: optional corequisite for College Writing 2 and 2H

Writing Conference for Humanities and Social Science Courses

  • WR 385: optional corequisite for students enrolled in courses in the Humanities and Social Sciences (link those terms to the side-bar page for WR 385)

Please note that students enrolled in WR 1 or WR 2 must enroll in the corequisites for those courses (WR 181 and WR 182) instead of WR 385.

Writing Conference for Applications Essays

  • WR 375: stand-alone course that offers support for students working on applications for transfer, scholarships, or employment
  • WR 376: stand-alone course that offers continued support for students working on applications for transfer, scholarships, or employment