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Student Equity funding was established in the 2014-15 Budget Act to “… ensure equal educational opportunities and to promote student success for all students, regardless of race, gender, age, disability, or economic circumstances.”  The Student Equity and Achievement Program (SEAP) is one of the instruments Irvine Valley College uses to advance these goals.

Through data-informed local research and utilizing guidelines from the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO), Irvine Valley College identifies and provides services/resources to address gaps in student achievement and foster academic excellence, especially for disproportionately impacted (DI) student populations. The five specific Student Equity and Achievement Program goals are:

  1. access and enrollment
  2. retention
  3. completion of transfer-level English/math course completion
  4. number of degrees and certificates awarded
  5. transfer rates.

Student Equity and Achievement Program Contact


Jeff Wilson, SEAP Faculty Coordinator
Erin Pollard, Director of College Equity, Inclusion, and Access

To learn more about IVC’s specific plan and the student populations it is currently focusing on, refer to the most recent Student Equity Plan.

Current Years

  1. 2022-2025 Student Equity Plan

Past Years

  1. 2019-2022 Student Equity Plan
  2. 2019-2022 Student Equity Plan Executive Summary

The SEAP Task Force charge is to oversee the college’s Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program by doing the following (as described in the Title 5 SEA guidelines):

  • Develop and maintain the Equity charge for the campus
  • Align equity work across the campus, including the Strategic Plan, PAC-DEIA, Guided Pathways, Office of Student Equity, and Student Equity Plan
  • Ensure that the Student Equity Plan provides guidance to support success for all students, especially disproportionately impacted groups
  • Examine student data to identify ways to address equity institutional gaps
  • Monitor and support the implementation of the Student Equity Plan
  • Support implementation and alignment of Guided Pathways 
  • Support educational equity throughout the student journey including onboarding services, orientation, referral to additional support services and education planning services needed to assist students in making informed decisions about their educational goals and course of study, and in developing education plans in alignment with the Student Equity Plan
  • Promote quality instruction for students to complete English, math, and ESL requirements in a timely manner
  • Monitor implementation and assessment of AB 705 and AB 1805 placement policies
  • Provide and implement program resources and student services support

The SEAP committee meets at least two times a semester on Monday afternoons from 1 - 2:30 pm.  Interested in joining or learning more?  Email co-chairs Jeff Wilson, SEAP faculty coordinator and Martha A. McDonald, Ed.D, Vice President for Student Services