Irvine Valley College (IVC) through the Title IX Investigator/Manager or designee will respond to all allegations of sexual harassment as required by Federal, Title IX law, as well as by California law, SB 493. The Title IX Investigator/Manager will evaluate each complaint, respond, provide supportive measures, and investigate when appropriate. A complaint of sexual harassment may also be referred to SOCCCD Human Resources when an employee is involved or it may be referred to Student Conduct when a student(s) is involved. All applicable laws and policies will be followed.
The Title IX Office at IVC is operated under the jurisdictions set forth in AR 3540, AR 3430, and AR 3433. If there is an incident that occurred and you are unsure if the Title IX office can help you please reach out to the Title IX Investigator/Manager at IVC.
Procedures for Student Complaints Against College Employees