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IVC offers field studies courses during the fall and spring semesters and summer session. Any person enrolled at Irvine Valley College regardless of major can go on these trips. The trips are a fun and educational way to learn about geology first hand in the field. For example, there is nothing like actually viewing a fault that is separating two distinctly different colored beds of rock.

Not only do you get to have fun, you get an added bonus of 1 unit of credit. You are not required to take a test, but you are required to pay attention to the professors as they give their presentations. You will also produce an "official" field notebook.

There is a pre-trip meeting regarding logistics and gear to bring. There is a reasonable fee which varies depending on the destination. The cost covers transportation, great food, and camping fees (sometimes showers and swimming are available).

Look in the class schedule or contact the Geosciences department for more information and the dates of the next trip.