Fundraising is a great way for student organizations to raise money around a specific cause or purpose, however there are important guidelines that must be followed. Below, we have included a list of steps that must be taken in order for a club to begin fundraising. Please note that all of the steps must be completed. There are Student Life, College, and District protocols that must be adhered to so please plan accordingly and submit documentation as soon as possible.
- The student organization is responsible for submitting the Student Organization Event Proposal.
- Form(s) are available online: Club Forms
- Once the document is filled out, the Office of Student Life will route it to VPSS and the College President for approval.
- Along with the Student Organization Event Proposal Form, please submit to the Office of Student Life the following (please include all of this information in a single document in PDF format):
- A description of your club charter/mission as written in your club by-laws
- A description of how your fundraiser meets the purposes established within the club charter
- A description of how your fundraiser will be marketed/promoted to the campus community
- Provide a detailed breakdown of costs, expenses, and projected revenue
- Describe how funds will be accounted for (who will collect them)
- Once the form is filled out along with your one-page document, the Office of Student Life will confirm and provide guidance on how to submit a request to ASIVC and ICC to be included on the agenda for approval.
- Club will submit a written request to ASIVC President to be included in the ASIVC agenda.
- Club will submit a written request to the Inter-Club Council Chair to be included in the Inter-Club Council (ICC) agenda.
- One officer will need to be present at the meeting to provide an overview of the fundraiser and answer any questions.
- After approvals from all designee are received the club will be notified via email of their fundraiser event status.
Additional steps to be taken by OSL:
- All completed fundraising requests will be forwarded to the Associated Students of Irvine Valley College and the Inter-Club Council to be included on their agenda and receive approval.
- What does the ASIVC bylaws and procedures manual say about club activities?
- Has the fundraiser been approved by the appropriate college officials?
- Has the fundraiser been approved by the ASIVC, if required by their by-laws and procedures manual?
- Approval by ASIVC and ICC, Activities form submitted and approved by the office of student life.